Basic of Pharmaceutical Industry HVAC ( HVAC Industri Farmasi )

Do you ever heard about Pharmaceutical HVAC is different with other industries?

Actually for HVAC system at Pharmaceutical industry not too much different with others industry, just need additional several device have to install and also for pharmaceutical industry have to comply with Drug regulation either Company regulation or Government regulation and depend of product will be sell it.


So, what kind of system/device/equipment have to install at Pharmaceutical Industry :

1. Dehumidifier

2. Humidifier

3. Heating Coil

4. Dust Collector

5. Exhaust Fan

Not only device/equipment have to install, but we also have to do several activities related with Pharmaceutical HVAC such as :

1. Verification & Qualification

2. Calibration

We will explain, what we have to do about Verification & Qualification.

A. Verification & Qualification

Is Activities for ensuring the HVAC system suitable with user requirement and hvac system performance is stable and confirmity.

During verification & qualification process we have several stage :

1. URS ( User Request Specification )

2. DQ ( Design Qualification ) 

3. FAT ( Factory Acceptance Test )

4. SAT/IQ ( Site Acceptance Test/Installation Qualification )

5. OQ ( Operation Qualification )

6. PQ ( Performance Qualification )

All of stage after has finished, we have to create a report such as DQ Report, FAT report, SAT/IQ Report, OQ Report and PQ Report.

B. Calibration

Is activities for ensuring the measurement sensor/device working properly and we can believe the result.

Calibration can be execute by External company was ISO 17025 certified or Internal company which is the employee was gave trained by External company/Internal Company by Comptence Personal.

What kind of device have to do calibration :

1. Room Temperature Sensor

2. Room Relative Humidity Sensor

3. Differential Sensor Room

4. Differential pressure of AHU Filter ( Depend of Risk Assesment )

5. Electronic/automation sensor if  BMS/BAS system installed

if you are wanna learn to getting new knowledge about Basic of Pharmaceutical HVAC

You can download our material by Google Drive HVAC Guideline ( Free of charge )

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