Waste Water Treatment System

Today, i would like to sharing my knowledge about Waste Water Treatment.

In the world, we might heard about WWTP, STP,POME,PWT or other.

WWTP is Waste Water Treatment Plant

STP is Sewage Water Treatment Plant

POME is Palm Oil Mill Effluent

PWT is Produce Water Treatment

Generally this system is same function, Why ?

This system for comply with regulation which the waste water genarated.

If your company operation in Indonesia like a Jakarta, maybe your company should be following Jakarta Regulation about waste water.

For sample, before we transfer waste water treatment result to River, we have to ensuring the Waste water quality meet with Jakarta provice regulation such as

COD < 400 ppm

BOD < 200 ppm

pH < 6-9

FOG ( Fat, Oil & Grease ) < 20 ppm

Color < 150

Iron < 2 ppm

This waste water quality only for sample, you have to ensuring with your company location and which regulation have to follow.

Please see the basic design of waste water treatment

Waste Water Treatment generally worked by Biological 98% which is Organic and Nitrogen.

Then 2% is 1% phospor and 1% phenol.

So, ensuring you microorganisme in aeration tank is working properly as design.

How to Maintenanace and Trouble shoot,

More detail please download our module WWTP Module ( Free no charge ) with Google Drive.

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