ESP8266 NodeMCU DHT11 Blynk - Monitoring Temperature & Humidity Using ESP8266 DHT11 and Blynk ( Online Monitoring )
Now i will sharing about ESP8266 NodeMCU and DHT11, then i can monitoring the result using Online with Blynk application in my phone. Before you are confuse how to operate Arduino and ESP8266, please visit to Dasar Dasar Arduino & ESP8266 NodeMCU We will practice how to implementation this system. You have to prepare about Hardware and Software Software : 1. Arduino IDE 2. ESP8266 NodeMCU Library 3. DHT Library 4. Blynk Application in your phone 5. Email Account 6. Blynk Account Hardware : 1. ESP8266 NodeMCU 2. DHT11 3. Smartphone 4. USB Cable 5. Jumper Cable For Libraries, Source Code and Module, Please download via Google drive ESP8266+DHT11+Blynk if you are still confuse, please watch my youtube video ESP8266 DHT11 Blynk If you like please share, subscribe, like and Comment. also please follow & connect our social media in linkedin : Youtube Channel Sharing Knowledge Also please visit t...